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Promotion Policy

Following Promotion Policy will be brought into effect from the session 2013-14

1. Attendance

- Every student must have a minimum of 90 % attendance, failing which he/she will not be allowed to sit in the final examination / will not be promoted to the next class.

2. Promotion Conditions

- Class 1 to Class V : There will be no detention except for cases of insufficient attendance. A student will be allowed to repeat a class only with parent’s consent.

- Class VI, VII , VIII , IX :

(i) Minimum Grade of D in each of the scholastic subjects and also in aggregate - Promoted
(ii) Aggregate less than Grade D – Detained
(iii) Less than Grade D in two subjects irrespective of aggregate – Detained

- Class XI : For promotion to Class XII there will be NO grade system and the following criteria will apply :

(i) Minimum 33% marks in each of the scholastic subjects and 40% in aggregate - Promoted
(ii) Aggregate less than 40% – Detained
(iii) Less then 33% in two subjects irrespective of aggregate – Detained
(iv) Students of Class XI must pass separately in theory and practical.

3. Promotion with Grace Marks

- Class VI – VIII:

(i) A grace mark of total 10 spread over a maximum of 03 subjects will be awarded and the grade earned after the award of the Grace Marks will be the final grade for the purpose of promotion.
(ii) Students requiring more than 10 Grace Marks for passing will be required to take a re-test on a maximum of 02 subjects.

- Class IX & XI : There will be no grace marks

4. Retest /Compartment.

- Class VI – VIII : Retest will be conducted for a maximum of 02 subjects and within 07 days of the last PTM.

- Failure in retest will result in detention.

- When a student misses a test / exam on account of participation in any Inter School activity or any higher level activity approved by the Principal a retest will be conducted at a suitable time.

- No Ranking will be done in cases where the average has been taken or the child has missed the Annual Exam. However, special cases could be considered for ranking with approval of the Principal.

- A student found to have used unfair means in a FA/SA test / exam and awarded zero will be kept out of any recognition from the school for that academic year.

5. Assigning of Ranks in Class

- Ranks will be assigned to only top three students in a class and will be so done after compilation of round-the-year performance.

- Identical rank will be awarded for identical marks irrespective of number of students scoring such marks.

- In the event of more than one student occupying a particular rank amongst the top three the ranks subsequent to the one already allotted will not be reckoned and number of such ranks will be determined by the number of identical rank holders. An illustration for a sample of 05 students wherein two students score 98 and two score 97 is shown below :

S. No. Rank Marks Scored Remarks
1. I 98 II rank will not be reckoned for S.No 03 & 04
2. I 98
3. III 97
4. III 97

- Students failing in a subject is not to be ranked.

- Marks are NOT to be rounded off except for the final computation at the end of the academic session.